Anyone who knows me understands my longing to get close to a Carolina Chickadee. This has been going on for months. Oh, I’ve gotten a few shots of Chickadees before, but I want one crisp and clear without using a zoom. I want one to sit on my hand. Hey, is that asking too much???
These white flowers burst open over the weekend. They’re located a few feet away from the feeders and I leaned on the fence to see them. Native weeds, I’m sure.
My camera was on the kitchen counter. There were no birds at the feeders. I heard “jee jee jee jee”.
This is where she landed. No zoom necessary. I am saying it’s a she because it looked like a mother needing a “Calgon take me away” moment. She poked the suet in the ceramic dish, preened for a bit, and then grabbed a seed from the hopper.
Have you ever been so totally frustrated that it was funny? I stifled a belly laugh for several minutes. Utter disbelief consumed me.
Have you ever been so totally frustrated that it was funny? I stifled a belly laugh for several minutes. Utter disbelief consumed me.
She left the hopper, flew past my face and landed here. No zoom in this photo. A perfect shot would have been had in the setting evening sun and I stood there, motionless, feeling like a sore loser but still stifling a hearty laugh at the irony of it all.
Probably one of my worst Chickadee photos, but I'll keep trying! This shot was taken in the morning hours on the same day. Doesn’t she look tired?


The morning sun on the pond was lovely this weekend. My fear of damaging freezes is gone so we headed out to find something eye pleasing to conceal the pump and filter assembly.
This basket of annuals enticed me! I love verbena. See the Koi in the background?
I like it. I don’t know what it is but it’s part of the basket.
This was a scene that brought back memories of my own childhood on the first day in late spring that I was allowed to wear a swimsuit and the boys could wear their swimming trunks to play with the garden hose or run through a sprinkler. There were four boys in grades 1-3 in charge of washing Mom’s car. See their progress? There is a sponge in the air resembling a peanut in the shell. Click to enlarge and you'll see the soap flying. I laughed out loud.
Camped out on the patio while waiting for hummingbirds to arrive, I looked to my right and enjoyed the beauty and sound of water. It was so soothing…until…
Chloe attached herself to my lily white knee.
You gotta love these dogs.
You gotta love these dogs.