Evening northeastern sky
Autumn weather arrived last night. High winds brought the inevitable chill.
It’s so typical for me to continue to believe there are a few months of summer to enjoy when Autumn is banging my door down. Time speeds by when I’m not paying enough attention and before I know it, the street lights turn on at 5:30pm and I flip out. No!!!!!!
Hummer held on tightly to a nearly bare cherry tree outside my bedroom window yesterday.
Goldenrod is bright along the roadsides and maples are showing some shades of crimson and yellow.
Goldenrod is bright along the roadsides and maples are showing some shades of crimson and yellow.
Butterflies remain!
Gulf Fritillaries lately.
Purdy Swallowtail ;-)
It’s been a banner year for butterflies in the garden, possibly due to the loads of Lantana I planted. Four new, small butterfly bushes are taking root out there, too. I should become a butterfly lister.
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail ~ time to stand back and zoom out.
About the butterflies -
About the butterflies -
Chocolate Brown Emperor ;-)
yes, they are beautiful.
yes, they are beautiful.
Battered Skipper ;-)
Watch them.
Watch them.
On their worst day, they’re still breathtaking.
What’s so common about a Common Buckeye? I found this splash of color a week ago.

I love walking through a cloud of Grass Skippers.
Readers often say, “Wow, those are beautiful photos!” While I appreciate the compliment, I know the truth. Out of several thousand I’ve taken, there might be a dozen I admire. Downright fabulous butterfly photos are here.

I love walking through a cloud of Grass Skippers.
Readers often say, “Wow, those are beautiful photos!” While I appreciate the compliment, I know the truth. Out of several thousand I’ve taken, there might be a dozen I admire. Downright fabulous butterfly photos are here.

Sleepy Orange Sulphur
Butterflies. If you have missed them this summer, I’m sorry.
Butterflies. If you have missed them this summer, I’m sorry.
Brown & Gold Fritillary ;-)
This is how you cram a summer of butterflies into one post. Overwhelming and awkward, I know… And I didn’t even include them all.

While summer begins to fade, I’ll keep sporting short-sleeved shirts and flip flops until my toes turn blue. Even in December. How ‘bout you?

Heading northeast soon, with steamed crabs on my mind. Mouth is watering.