The Siskins weren’t shy and were quick about their business.
Goldfinches didn’t mind.

Maybe they were here last year but I don’t remember them. I think they are easy to overlook when mixed with other finches.
All was well. Pine Siskins might have continued traveling. I’ll look for them this week and keep their feeders full. We expect a low of nine degrees on Saturday.
Any opinions on the duck in the forefront? It’s the best shot I could get from a mile away.
The Red-shouldered Hawk has been busy at the pond. Always glad to see him again. I'll bet he's the same RS Hawk I photographed at the same pond, a year ago.
I just love Pine Siskins. They usually pass through here in early fall. Haven't seen one since.
The duck looks like a Northern Shoveler to me.
Mary--what kind of seeds do you have in the wire feeder--in the first photo?
I just got a wire feeder, with large openings, to put shelled peanuts in. (Can you tell? I have given in to the squirrels.)
I personally love Pine Siskins. They can go through a lot of seed, but they are just great birds.
I think you have a Northern Shoveler in the foreground.
I don't think I've had Pine Siskins here yet, but you're right they would be so easy to overlook.
Donna, that's a niger seed feeder that the goldfinches and pine siskins love. The first one is very inexpensive. The second one you see is a nice one from WBU. It easily comes apart for good cleaning. The squirrels need their own feeder :o)
Glad the siskins joined your yard birds. Some folks don't like them much as they can be cheeky and aggressive but aren't they pretty?
I'm a duck loser. Sorry- no help from me.
Hi Mary, We have lots of Siskins here also..They seem to get along well with the Goldfinch and other birds--and even a Cardinal joined the big group today.
Love your pictures! Bundle up and stay warm!!!
Love those Pine siskens too..
I also think you have a Northern Shoveler.
Mary, it is so great to see these beautiful birds at your feeders. I know you are enjoying them and not missing the trash birds.
Great-stunning piictures!
I love siskins!
Colors say shoveler to me, too.
(Excellent find!)
Laura beat me to it. The colors look right for Northern Shoveler. I usually see them in profile, with their long "Jimmy Durante noses" stuck into the water.
See this link:
for a photo.
Wish I could get Pine Siskins here!
I'm not sure I've ever seen a Pine Siskens in person before. Or Shovelers. Surprisingly we've had several Goldfinches lately which I always enjoy. I love when they start turning bright yellow in the spring!
Stay warm! Looks like the cold will be gripping all of the east coast.
I insist that some of your siskins make there way up to my yard! My finches are lonely, and I'm not flying through Nyjer the way I should be!
And as always, I was beaten to the punch on the duck ID.
I haven't seen Pine Siskins since we moved from PA. I love the call they make when they fly.
Great shot of the Red-Shouldered Hawk!
Congrats at the siskins at your feeder! That's a great bird! Apparently, there's a big influx of them this year and they seem to heading down south as well. We have them in Central Park and they were a lifer for me as well. Very cool!
I also agree on the Northern Shoveler ID.
Beautiful series. The amazing angles at which these goldfinches are perched is awesome. And the Red-Shouldered Hawk takes the cake. Cool...Thomas
Mary, it's great to see all your birds enjoying a sunny day. The birds here are all gathering at the feeders and the suet block, trying to stay warm in this frigid weather. Nine degrees this weekend? That's very cold for your area, isn't it? Stay warm!
Mary, Your comment about the siskins getting mixed in with finches made me sit up and look again at my feeders, I probably have Pine Siskins coming to my feeders but I think I am mistaking them for finches!! I will have to do a better job of seeing!! Great pictures and of course always love to see your hawk pixs..!
Funny thing Mary, the house where I'm working had a feeder full of Pine Siskins today! If I hadn't seen yours I wouldn't have know what they were! My mom and the woman who lives there didn't remember ever seeing them before either. I made sure to grab a couple pictures but I don't think they could compare to yours. Cute little bird.
Maybe I'll pick up one of those Nyger feeders. I looked at them when I bought our new peanut feeder, which by the way the birds are crazy about!
You have goldfinches! Lucky you. Ours have gone for the winter. I love your hawk. He looks so proud! It's nice to come here and see your birds. And ducks.
Stay warm. It seems everybody is in the middle of a deep freeze.
We usually have a pine siskin or two mixed in amongst large numbers of goldfinches. You're right - they do tend to blend in.
Gorgeous pics, Mary. This is bird season down here. Some the migratory birds flew further south, but a lot have stayed right here along the central Florida Gulf Coast. We're called the Nature Coast...
I've had Siskins at my feeders this year for the first time since I've been watching birds (this is about my 4th year of conscious bird watching). From what I've been reading, this is a big year for them. I don't find them to be any more aggressive than the Goldfinches. There's always a dispute going on at my thistle feeder!
Dear Mary,
Oh the Siskins are pretty. They
are small.
Stay warm....it is cold here too.
Artic air...I wonder what air the artic has if I have their air...
Siskins in NC--that's something! We have them up here, and our friend even has a redpoll (S. Ohio).
Shoveler, yeah, yeah, I'm so late to the party...what a beautiful duckie.
Oh, Mary, I'm envious that you have pine siskins. I was so hoping to see some this winter in my backyard. But so far I haven't seen any.
Siskins! How nice. I rarely get them at my feeder, and even rarer are goldfinches. But of course you have both!
Well, as usual, I'm slow to the punch and MANY people beat me to it. I was going to say Northern Shoveler. Great coloring, yes?
That was a beautiful shot of the RS Hawk! Glad you have Pine Siskins as well. Stay bundled up this weekend!
Sigh I don't get Pine Siskins at my feeders.
Beautiful photos, Mary!
Stay warm.
Hey Mary
its a Northern Shoveler
i love the first gull photo in the previous post.
Hi Mary....Love the Pine Siskins.....and I can see how you could miss them when they are feeding with the finches....
The Hawk is gorgeous.....I can never see too many hawks......
It is really cool that I just found your blog because I just saw a pine siskin for the first time in central PA! I had seen them before in Canada, but never in PA :-)
I've had pine siskins at my feeder this winter too. I don't remember seeing them here before, but like you said their easy to miss amoung the other finches.
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