It ain't right to have a snow storm after the Forsythias are in bloom but we shrug and take what Mother Nature offers.
A wet, heavy snow fell and flattened my Wax Crepe Myrtle and just about everything else except the oak trees.
Four inches fell at my house.
Ten minutes into shoveling a narrow path leading to grass for the dogs, I had enough of snow for the year. Yes, I know I cried and whined about missing snow but dang it’s March in the southeast!
Our Robins are also wondering what’s up with this white stuff.
There are two pairs of Bluebirds here now. I feel privileged.
I shared my Craisins with the Mockers. It’s conceivable that a Mocker will pick a Craisin from my palm. Really.
Not much to say this week. I'm flat in the words department and my camera is collecting dust! After coming home from work, already feeling tired, I’m unloading rooms, reloading, and cleaning around painters’ stuff. They have lots of it.
Jeff is an artist. I think he’s going to love transforming my master bathroom and dining room. He also loves the birds.
It might be a while before I have the time and energy to put a post together or visit my favorite blogs. I want to put my house back together first.
a return Visit
11 years ago
Wow, Mary, you got some snow! We don't have any here, thank goodness, it's just cold!
I WANT spring!!! :-)
So you wanted snow--and you got it. Lovely photos, by the way.
I wanted snow--and DIDN'T get it, not really. Just a piddly 3 inches that melted in a day. I know there are people in Maine who are ready to trade places with me.
Oh, I love the photos of mid-painting. Will you post after photos?
Wonderful snow pictures Mary!! Love the blue birds and my precious mocker too. The house looks like it's shaping up really nicely!
Take care and have fun redecorating!
The snow pictures are very beautiful! and so is your home. I like the colours you have chosen.
Take it easy May. Blog when you can/want to. I struggle with making it all fit too.
Keep tabs on the birds though. They'll kep you company.
Well, the snow sucks, but it's pretty. On the other hand, it's pretty, but it sucks.
I'm looking forward to seeing the pretty new walls!
I know snow is a pain, especially with dogs, but your pictures were lovely. Thankfully we didn't get a single flake out of that system. I do hope we are done with snow for the winter.
Beautiful snow pictures, Mary. We got MISSED almost totally by that storm. It literally went all around us...
Love the bird pictures. They look well-fed despite the winter weather.
Take your time, Mary, it will definitely keep. :o)
Thank goodness you picked nice warm colors inside to warm up your day after all that snow! That's a lot for your area! Poor confused birdies :) Did the girls enjoy it though?
I thought you all probably got hit pretty good Mary. We not nary a flake here. It was if we were in the eye of the storm. It swirled all around us.
Love the gold color! My entire great room is that color too! :c)
You will feel so refreshed when the house is painted and the mess cleaned up. We will be waiting for any and all updates. Spring will come in in the mean time.
I wondered how much you got, Mary. :) We got ZIP, NADA, NONE! I wanted it---then was REALLY glad we didn't get it. Now, I'm ready to move right into Spring and the WARMER outdoors! :) Can't wait to see your spiffed up interior, girl! Your bird/snow pictures are awesome, as always. :)
Yay, I love your snow photos! And I can't wait to see the new colors in your home!
Hi Mary....whilst the snow looks stunning, for goodness sake its March, get out of Mary's garden.....
I to am fed up with cold weather...I am in south east UK, we do not do these long cold winters.....
Your house is going to look fab....what a lovely warm glow.....I know you are tired Mary but it will be worth me.....
Hi Mary! I feel for you. We normally get the wet heavy white crap. This time we ended up with about 8 inches of the fluffy white crap.
As always, love your pictures. The first is my favorite.
I love the color you choose for your walls. Can't wait to see the rest of the colors.
Take care and the painting will be done before you know it. Lisa
Beautiful photos, Mary! There's nothing like snow to create a magical world--but you are welcome to it:) I'm hoping we don't see any more white stuff this year.
I hate the mess and chaos when you remodel or re-decorate, but I know you'll be happy with the results. I like the look of your dining/front room area already.
Gosh Mary, I just looked at your weather button (35 degrees) and my weather button here in Minnesota (37 degrees). I cannot believe it's warmer here than in North Carolina. I hope things warm up for you soon! All that snow just doesn't look right at your place.
(I've never seen a bluebird on a suet feeder like that before--they must be desperate!)
I like that color Mary! It takes guts to make such a bold change from all white. I applaude your style ; )
Beautiful snow picture! Though I have to admit I have about had enough. lol! I'm sure the birds were more than a little perplexed dealing with all the white stuff, but you have warmer days ahead so they'll be singing before you know it.
Love your home : )
Love the colors! can't wait for the pics of finished paint job.
I know the cold and snow get old, but for those of us who seldom see it, it's a beautiful sight. Your pictures are great.
the weather is mad this year!!
Pretty for a while. Mary, if you got 4 inches of the wet white stuff, does that mean you got about an inch of moisture? Hopefully, that helps your poor parched area. We've been having days of rain and clouds, and I've heard that we are getting closer to "normal" -- whatever that means. Yet, our Gov declared a statewide drought emergency last week.
Oh Mary, I feel your pain with that snow..I hate the wet wet snow when it creates havoc for your trees and plants!! Love the robin peeking over the snow covered branch. I'm jealous you have blues..I'm still crossing my fingers we will too!
Good to see you are creating some "new" in your always makes one feel that Spring and change are really here!
Love your home..very spacious...mmm nice!
Your house is going to look so gorgeous. I feel for you with the upheaval, though. I was never crankier than the four weeks it took to finish our kitchen renovation. I was cooking on a hotplate in the living room; I never liked cooking over carpet. I especially didn't like having to wash dishes in the bathtub. Nooope. I hear you!!
Your snow pix are gorgeous, but I'm with you. Bring it on, that spring warm birdsong stuff. I believe I timed my trip to miss the worst of it quite neatly--supposed to be about 60 when I hit the ground in Columbus today! YEAH!!
Love you Mare. Do what you feel like doing. We'll all be here, happy for anything you post.
Your snow and bird pictures are gorgeous! Looks like the painting is coming along. I imagine it's hard to function amid all the upheaval. Maybe that's why I still have white walls, even though pretty colors would be preferable.
I like the new colors. So warm and inviting. I know it's a pain,but you will be soooo happy you had it done.
The snow pictures are great. I thought you might have gotten some. Hopefully, it will al melt quickly this time of the year and spring will truly stay.
Spectacular! You really got a nice bit snow there, didn't you?
I hate the upheaval of painters in the house! But the results afterwards are worth it. Hope you get your painting done and over with soon.
4 inches of snow! Yuk! I'll send you some more if you like. LOL! It does look pretty, though.
I am excited to see your house after it is finished. Great photos, Mary. We are getting snow right now. I'm ready for spring.
Dear Mary,
Your house will be transformed.
You will love it.
Two pairs of Blue are living right!
No worries.
We will be here...
Beautiful photos Mary. My only regret is that you didn't start your blog while you were still living up in The Mudderland! That does look like a sticky and wet snow to slush fall: it could be a good one at soaking down into the aquifer (that's the hydrologist in me speaking!)
Hard to believe you guys got all that snow and we just got a dusting! Stunning photos!
Beautiful Photos. How serene the snow makes everything seem to feel.
enjoyed your photos!
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