Gasp! There she was, waiting for me to fail. From the driver seat, through the passenger open window, I clicked away. This photo is not good enough. I always want more, especially when this bird is concerned.
My zooming effort resulted in a 3-second delay option. Wrong button. This stuff happens when I hyperventilate and shake the camera.
She sat there laughing at my folly and waited for my next move. There I slithered from the car, using it as a large black blind. My head rose slowly with camera attached above the roof, ready for the perfect, all-out digital zoom shot.
She rattled all the way to the other side of the pond, skimming the water surface. I could have broken a pencil in half with my teeth.
Never get out of your car when photographing a Belted Kingfisher. The bird knows. If you meet the bird during a walk, never look at it. The bird knows.
She watched traffic in and out of the parking lot but with eyes in the back of her little conniving head, saw me get back in the car and drive around to her side. I needed to get on a main road to get there where she recognized my black Honda approaching.
You can roll in neutral and put the car in park very close to her and in an instant, before you can even think of opening the car door, she rattles to the other side of the pond.
Nanny-nanny-boo-boo to you, too!
Fuming and laughing at the same time, I drove again. This time through a residential community and I knew she’d be waiting for me.
She was winning. Again. But I’m always up for a game.
Through the windshield. One click. Gone.
Once again, drove to the other side of the pond.
She allowed me this. What a lovely background. Pffft.
She allowed me this. What a lovely background. Pffft.
I’ll never give up on her.
She’s so clever and has a very funny sense of humor, for a bird.
In 2009, I wish you good health, peace, lots of laughter, and love.
Happy New Year!

In 2009, I wish you good health, peace, lots of laughter, and love.
Happy New Year!

Koi Christmas 2008