Whimsical, lively, and always entertaining – a Boston Terrier is full of surprises. If a dog could produce a bubble from a wad of Double Bubble, count on a Boston to do it. Gina saw this framed print at the mall - a nice gift we love.
A day full of non-stop puttering and heavy duty cleaning around the house isn’t exactly what I always look forward to but it sure felt great. Chloe and Bella were in the yard while I cleaned house, so I checked on them every few minutes – always concerned about mischief.
I was delighted to see not one, but two Brown Thrashers. Last year I had only seen one at a time. Leaning comfortably on the fence with camera, intending on a lengthy photo shoot, I happened to glance at the face.
Chloe is on the left, Bella on the right. I knew immediately what happened. Chloe never learns a lesson. For those who don’t know Chloe, she has a very high IQ and has challenged me for nearly twelve years. During her youth, she caught a bird in flight and ate it leaving the skull behind and also devoured a baby rabbit. I have countless stories to tell. Get the picture?
She normally looks like this.
Half smiling but disgusted, too, I asked, “What happened to your face? Come over here and let me take your picture.”

I had a Bee Botox treatment! OK?
I told you my skin was sagging, woman.
And if you ask me, YOU could use a Bee Botox shot or ten around your lips also. And what about that chicken neck? Ick.
Get me a mirror but don’t look at yourself in it because it might crack.
Her supply of antihistamine needed replenishing so I drove to the grocery store during a thunderstorm. She’ll never learn to mind her own business and to keep her nose out of holes! She’s had spider bites and bee stings too many times - one bite warranted a trip to the vet because her eyes sealed closed from swelling. This was a mild case, so I laughed. My old girl is still the skilled terrier, with or without Bee Botox injections.
A few hours later, she broke out in hives on her back and legs and spent the rest of the evening slamming her body on the carpet for itch relief. I needed sleep. Right before bedtime, she received a dose and a half of antihistamine and I gave a dose to Bella, too - just because.
Yes, I drugged my dogs.
This is for you, Max. Hope you're feeling better.
Awww, poor little thing! Keep us updated on this!
Poor Chloe just can't help herself and really, who can blame her? It sure looks as if she her partner-in-crime, Bella, is egging her on. There are so many interesting things to investigate outside. She probably hoped you wouldn't notice what happened.
Drugging dogs ... I once tried during a thunderstorm with my former dog and it had no effect. At least the anti-histamine worked for Chloe!!
Aw, poor little baby. They keep you busy, huh? :) I hope she'll be good as new soon.
Oh too funny. No matter what, Chloe is beeeautiful!
Sweet Chloe. Maybe she just got stung and she wasn't really do anything wrong or bad. Really, maybe she is just a dog that attracts trouble (and bees).
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
(((HUGS))) to Chloe...hope she is better soon!
Thanks for your concern, everyone. After a 1.5 dose of Benadryl, she slept like a log and woke up hive-less the next morning. She's a tough broad.
I confess! I too, drugged my dogs. Benadryl is great for bee stings and helps calm the little beasties.
Poor wittle Chloe. I mean how could you scold a face like that?
Say. Do you suppose a bee sting appropriately applied could help some of my wrinkles?
Poor dog face! Still keep your nose out of holes and you won't have to suffer like this.
If drugging the dog works . . .
A dose for Mary, too?
Enjoyed your post but poor doggie.
Weren't there stories a couple of years back touting bee stings as a possible cure for arthritis? Was Chloe feeling a little creaky so she decided to self-medicate?
A good night's sleep from benadryl. Hmmm.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Poor Chloe. I hope she is feeling better today. I am sure you all benefited from a good nights sleep.
Poor inquisitive Chloe! :c) Glad things like that don't make her want to stop exploring.
Poor, poor sweet Chloe! She was just following her instincts. It wasn't her fault - I'm sure of it. She just looks so sweet! I'm so glad you were on the ball and gave her what she needed. Good dog mommy, good dog mommy!
LOL thanks for sharing and glad she is better..
Poor dog Hope you are well and have a good Easter
Chloe reminds me a bit of Melanie Griffith and her too much collagen lips!! It makes her cheeks look all the more smoochable!
I just love the humor in your posts. Glad Chloe survived her curiosity and nice to know that there is still some terrier left in Bostons. Seems like several bloggers have Boston Terriers. I grew up with one and might try one again when the Dobes get to be too much for me to handle. Chloes pictures are very cute, both before and after.
Terriers I know are a nightmare. I have exactly the same problems with Nella....she doesn't eat them though. She brings them in as presents (nightmare for me ) Mrs I can't kill anything. The last was a Jackdaw.
Bees she is getting better...I have managed to sort that out with some training.
OW-OW that must hurt, our pets are always very curious, and it gets them in trouble. I'll bet Chloe said " Don't post my picture Mom, I'm not my normal self".
Nature Knitter's Mom [Betty K]
Poor Chloe. I talked to a Boston breeder at a dog show once and he says he always travels with liquid Benadryl. Chet's had it once, I think, when he got stung and swole up. I've been known to abuse Benadryl, but only on meself...never was a Dimetapp mama.
Aww...poor little baby! I laughed out loud at that line..."just because." I understand completely. hehe Hope Chloe is good as new soon.
You don't know how much I enjoy your blog. You have a way with words!! :)
Poor baby! Surely it was painful.
Like you, I am a little dog fan. My girls (Papillons) are into mischief when outdoors, so I have to keep a sharp eye. Thankfully, we have so far avoided bites and stings. The internal pesties are bad though, if you get my drift. And you can't see where those are hiding. Ugh.
Robin at Bumblebee
Love that face--looking right into the camera as if to say--what are YOU looking at.
One of our former dogs was an English setter with permanently droopy lips (and the slobber to go with them).
Gotta love our pups.
I really cannot imagine having Thrashers nesting near me. You are truly blessed. Are they singing? (If one can call it song:0)
Sorry Chloe had to lear a lesson the hard way.-You photos and captions cracked me up though! I laugh when I see some of the actresses that overdo it with the lip injections and botox treatments.
Hope Chloe is doing better!
Stung in the face, poor thing... Tommy and I got some pretty weird bites in Guayaquil, itchessssss
Poor ol' Chloe! Your funny captions took the "sting" out of that story, Mare. I hope everyone's feeling better soon.
P.S. I guess I should be glad my dogs just eat rabbit & deer poop....so far no reactions to that....except bad breath! :-0
Oh! Poor lovely Chloe! I do hope she will be better very soon!
Wishing to you and yours, a Happy Easter!
Silly puppy. Drugs. They are always the answer.
(That works for little girls, too.. Give 'em some Benedryl!)
My gosh you are funny. What a great story - you have a knack for storytelling!
Poor puppeh! I can certainly commiserate with her on the itchy hives....
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