The peanuts win the popular vote when the Zick dough is gone. This inexpensive peanut feeder gets the best bang for the buck here. I took some photos this week and some of them made me laugh out loud, just when I needed some simple entertainment in the late afternoon and evening.

Carolina Chickadees watch each other, fearlessly.
If you’ve been following me, the week is over and my deadlines have been met. Now it’s the start of another two months of budget prep for 08-09. The worst is behind me, I hope.

It’s common, but very peculiar, that a task of high importance, i.e. budgets, is charged to upper management but invariably drifts down to the worker bees like me. I know the details of encumbrances and budgets but those I report to don’t have a clue about the b-word…because to them, it’s a hassle, it causes stress, and may cause eye-twitching. Oh, the bother!

I love watching nuthatches’ acrobatics. The brown-headed ones are very skilled.
The scissor-billed white-breasted one prefers Zick dough.
Overseeing and managing their budgets is expected of them, as stated in their job descriptions. The worker bees are asked to assume the responsibility, regardless of their low rank and wages. We should not be making decisions on behalf of those who are completely unaccountable.

The perfect shot of a Downy with a wad of Zick dough was incredibly out of focus. I really wanted that photo! So I got nuts.
Can the worker bees refuse to assume the bulk of the decision-making and work? Sure. Not a good idea, though, if you want peace in the workplace.

Tufted Titmouse was shocked, then
offered me another view.
There is always a temptation for me to botch up and screw up and mess up the whole damned process so badly that they’ll leave me alone next time. Hey, it works for some! It’s just not an option for me, unfortunately. My work is a reflection of who I am. No matter where you are located on the organizational chart, there is always someone above you dumping a bucket of crap into your office.
A good friend at the office made a nice comment to me today. We are about the same age and had a hilarious discussion about aging, facial hair, and wrinkles. He said sincerely, “You look like you’re in your forties.” Akkk! He didn’t say thirties! Ha! The last time I heard a compliment like that was when I was thirty-something and could pass for twenties. Seems like yesterday, you know…big, big, sigh… It wasn’t a realistic observation he made, but nice to hear all the same.
So I drove away from work feeling all chicky with my cool shades on. Got home and found dog vomit on the carpet. Got busy and made Zick dough – four times the recipe.

The other feeders attract some cuties, too.
Have a good weekend!