As I write this, it’s raining. Misty, thick, humid, wet. A four-day weekend away from work would have been nicer under the sun. Been walking in the rain, planting garden flowers in the rain… Sort of feeling all dressed up with nowhere to go. Been cursing the rain gods at times but I always take it back quickly because living in severe drought conditions is a recent memory.
Today’s weather reminds me of the rain in West Virginia. While I wait for the skies to clear, I’ll share my final thoughts on the New River Birding and Nature Festival and the day I met a Bobolink.

Bobolink in the mist
The bird display was fabulous in the New River Gorge area. They were a far cry from what I’m seeing today. They were exciting, noteworthy birds that owned fabulous color and sound, unlike what I visited in the mist a few minutes ago – grackles, starlings, house sparrows, squirrels, squabbling mockingbirds, and a chiptymunk running for cover in my backyard. No matter what I say or how I say it, they’re mine, in a way… Noteworthy? Yes. They too have a story, and one I’ll continue to tell over time.
My last field trip of the week, High Country, began with a visit to see Bobolinks. The owner of the property kindly allowed us to visit their field that’s suitable for Bobolink’s young to fledge successfully. Nesting on the ground, they were perhaps the most intriguing birds I saw and heard during the entire week.

We had lunch here, at Babcock State Park. What was better than the view of rushing waterfalls? The view of flushing toilets inside the park building and sinks with running hot water.

Scenes like this cause me to dream of packing it up at the office and hitting the road for two or three days – just me and my camera. In the mountains of West Virginia, every season must offer something as spectacular as this.

Everyone I met during the trip was inspirational to me in their own way. I will not elaborate on each individual as it would take a month of Sundays to do so…

The Flock, our group leaders and organizers, and everyone I met were delightful. Generally, they are all compassionate, smart, hilarious, adventurous, and downright beautiful people.

I allowed myself a few minutes to break away from the High Country group and stalk a Bobolink. All week I had been fighting a strong urge to stalk…

Have you heard a Bobolink’s song? Those small, high-pitched electronic sounds it emits? If you are old enough to remember Star Wars' R2 D2, that’s it.

Getting closer, stepping softly, a few feet at a time…

And the bird vanished! All of that for another crappy bird photo!
There is a nerdy, geeky generalization made about folks who are passionate about birds and nature. Dispel that notion.

On our final night of the week together, the
Swinging Orangutangs rocked the house with Julie Zickefoose, Bill Thompson III and the band. They were so generous to entertain.

Let’s not forget about the drummer!
We danced with our hands in the air like we didn’t care. Very cool.
Until next year, I'll hold these memories close.
Thanks to all.